
Dear Reader Just Doing Your Best,

Give me a minute, and I'll tell you a story. 

I'll tell you about my junior high soulmate, my haunted house, and running away to Scotland to lose my virginity. I'll tell you about my ardent belief in the power of cheese and the goodness of pigeons, the rules for attending my funeral, and my struggle to reconcile feminism with Brazilian bikini waxes. I'll tell you about my greatest failures and the many ways I have suffered because of my fear. I'll tell you about my greatest triumphs and exactly how I figured out how to be a person I'm proud of. 

If you've ever felt the visceral fear of being abandoned or the anxious anticipation of change, you might find something here like hope or validation. If you've ever wondered if you had it in you to start over, or if you've found yourself questioning what you've always believed, you might find a road map to navigating both.

What I hope you find in these pages is a little laughter, a little healing, and permission to be okay. I hope you find the courage to embrace change and the sudden joy of believing you have always, always been enough. Above all and against all odds, from one pizza rat to another, I hope you feel seen. 


You’re Gonna Die Alone (& Other Excellent News)

by Devrie Brynn Donalson

Available now

A refreshingly honest, wonderfully humorous, and entirely inspiring exploration of change, fear, and what it really means to be alone.


Debut Novel Coming Soon…